Taziah Hawkins gets in position for a dig while teammate, Claire Bridge, readies to assist.
Annalyse Weber attempts to block a Canistota player's hit!
Hanson freshman, Kiana Berg, goes up for a kill during the match against the Howard Tigers.
Jozlynn Tegethoff hits the ball over the net against Howard.
Members of the Hanson varsity girls cross country team  winning the Freeman Academy Invite were (L-R): Erin Dewald, Alyssa Moschell, Cadence Jarding, Taziah Hawkins, Eliza Oltmanns and Reese Marek.
2021 Homecoming Week
Kade Waldera  looks for an open receiver
Hanson junior,  Annalyse Weber, goes up for a hit while her teammates ready to cover.
Alyssa Moschell (left) holds a slight lead over teammate, Taziah Hawkins, and another runner at the McCook Central/Montrose Invitational in Salem on Tuesday.
Hadley Wallace cuts to the outside while teammates, Austin Easton and Jackson Jarding, throw key blocks on the Blue Dragon defense.
Boys 4x400 m relay
4x400 m relay
4x100 m relay