Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Hanson School Board for being recognized by the Associated School Boards of South Dakota.
Pictured Left to Right- Quinton Patzlaff, Todd Waldera, Don Huber, Duane Letcher, and Gary Jarding
Todd Waldera, President
Quinton Patzlaff, Vice President
Don Huber
Casey Tegethoff
Chet McManus
The Hanson School District believes in the supreme worth, dignity, and uniqueness of each individual. The Hanson School District believes that academic achievement must take precedence over all other aspects of school life.
With this in mind, it is the responsibility of the District to provide academic, vocational, and activity programs, which will give each student the chance to develop his/her potential. This potential can best be attained through the joint efforts of the students, parents, staff, and community as they seek and maintain the student’s academic and social participation regardless of race, sex, creed, or economic background.
The ultimate purpose of the educational process in the Hanson School District is to prepare each student to accept responsibilities to self, family, community, and country, and thus become a contributing member in our changing global society.
Public Participation In Board Meetings
All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. All actions of the Board shall be taken openly, and the deliberations leading to Board action shall likewise be conducted openly. The public is invited to attend the Board meetings and may be given limited time to voice opinions or problems.
The Board recognizes its responsibility to conduct the business of the District in an orderly and efficient manner and will, therefore, follow reasonable rules to regulate public comment to the Board. Following recognition by the Board President, any person present may speak for not more than five (5) minutes, and may put questions to the Board. No public discussion, other than those in required public hearings, shall extend more than thirty (30) minutes among all who wish to speak. The Board President may limit repetitive, obscene, suggestive, or slanderous speech. NO PERSON MAY COMMENT UPON BEHAVIOR OR PERFORMANCE OF ANY DISTRICT EMPLOYEE DURING PUBLIC DISCUSSION UNLESS THE DISTRICT'S COMPLAINT PROCEDURE HAS BEEN FOLLOWED AND NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THE AFFECTED EMPLOYEE.